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2015-2016 Rising Star & Chapter Member of the Year Awards

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In any venture, it’s the commitment and contribution of the people that make things happen.  The AICI SFBA Chapter has been an example of commitment and contribution from its inception, as the founding Chapter of AICI.

Two awards were given at this year’s annual Installation event that recognize significant member commitment and contribution over the past year to the Chapter: Chapter Rising Star and Chapter Member of the Year.

Rising Star

Our 2015-2015 Rising Star is incoming-President Carol Parker Walsh. a well-deserving recipient of the award. The Rising Star award is given to a Chapter member who has been a member for four years or less, and has provided significant contribution to the Chapter as a new member.

Carol joined our chapter November 14, 2014; seven months later she volunteered to be Co-VP of Education (not a position for the faint of heart!) She thought of creative and new ideas for the Board to try and also volunteered to get them done. She lives out-of-state which could have created some challenges, but never seemed to affect her. And, now she has volunteered to step up into this year’s Chapter President position.

In addition,  Carol is a #1 Best Selling Author, and has had guest appearances on CBS, ABC, NBC, and FOX channels. She is one of 20 licensed Fashion Feng Shui practitioners in the US, writes a monthly column for a Business Journal, and is a trained classical singer.

Carol’s business is Evolve Image Consulting. Congratulations to our Chapter Rising Star – Carol Parker Walsh!

Member of the Year

The Chapter Member of the Year award is given to a member who has acted above and beyond in their capacity as a Chapter member, has been an inspiration to others, and has achieved extraordinary results in AICI.

Our 2015-2016 Chapter Member of the Year is Elena Daciuk, a 5-year member of the Chapter and Board of Directors. In fact, Elena was attending Chapter events even before becoming a member.

She has been truly dedicated, passionate, and very hard working during her years of service, always willing to go the extra mile in everything she does. Elena has held a strong belief in this organization and what it can offer its members.

This past year she not only held one position on the Chapter Board, but THREE of them: Treasurer, Co-VP of Programs, Immediate Past President.

Elena’s business is Styling Fabulous. Congratulations to our Chapter Member of the Year – Elena Daciuk!


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