In any venture, it’s the commitment and contribution of the people that make things happen. It’s especially true in a volunteer organization, because those qualities are freely given. The AICI SFBA Chapter has been an example of commitment and contribution from its inception, as the founding Chapter of AICI. Our early leaders led the way by demonstrating their commitment to the profession of image consulting, and by their personal contributions to ensuring the success of the organization.
Two awards were given at this year’s annual Installation event that recognize significant member commitment and contribution over the past year to the Chapter: Chapter Member of the Year and Chapter Rising Star.
Chapter Rising Star
This year’s recipient is our new Chapter President, Elena Daciuk. Elena has been a member of the Chapter for two years (the criteria is for membership 4 years or less) and has contributed significantly to the Chapter, not only since she’s been a member but also in her support of Chapter events even before she was a member. She has served on the Board since Day One of her membership, serving as Chapter Treasurer, and has helped the Chapter become more fiscally sound by reducing our expenses and by continually encouraging us to break even on the events we hold. This is in addition to her willingness to help in whatever capacity is needed, whether helping in building our social media presence, or setting up and taking down chairs at events. The Chapter is grateful to Elena for her enthusiastic support of our organization and our profession, and looks forward to her coming year as President. Elena is owner of Styling Fabulous, wardrobe and image consultancy, as well as Styling Fabulous Consignment Boutique, an on-line upscale consignment store.

Elena is presented the Rising Star award by Board member, Adena DiTonno, who nominated her for the award.
Chapter Member of the Year
The Chapter Member of the Year award stands for the dedication, commitment, hard work, and heart and soul a member puts into the organization. Adena DiTonno is the recipient of this year’s award for the countless hours of her time and heart given to our organization. She has served asTtreasurer, President, and Immediate Past President. Over the past year as she has helped and gone above and beyond to help plan all chapter programs, in the absence of a VP of Programs, wrote the blogs for the Chapter’s social media, managed the chapter website, helped create fun valuable content for Facebook daily, and created multiple videos to highlight our different chapter events. The Chapter thanks Adena for her contributions throughout the past year. Adena is owner of adenaDesigns, a wardrobe and image consultancy.

Out-going President Carrie LaShell presents Adena with the Chapter Member of the Year award.