The Chapter was pleased to recognize four members with awards for their service to the organization this year. Two members – Bernie Burson, AICI FLC, and Coralyn Lundell, AICI CIP, previously received their awards at the AICI International Conference in Arizona in May. Bernie received the Award of Excellence-Participation/Commitment for her work with the International website, newsletter and Conference program, and Coralyn received the Distinguished Service Award commemorating her 30 years of service as a founding member of the organization. (We previously announced these awards here.) We were pleased to also recognize these two ladies at our Installation event on July 17.

In addition, Carolyn Woodworth, AICI FLC, presented Marjory DeRoeck, AICI CIP, our Chapter Member of the Year award for her many years of service to the both the Chapter and to the International organization. (We previously announced Marjory’s award here.) Marjory was quite surprised by the very special awards that her good friend and colleague, Carolyn, had put together for her on behalf of the Chapter. After all, who wouldn’t love a glass slipper?!

The Chapter also recognized Carrie LaShell, AICI FLC, as the Chapter Rising Star of the Year. This award is given to a member of 4 years or less who has provided outstanding service to the Chapter. This award is well-deserved for Carrie, as she has worked hard for the Chapter in so many ways since Day 1 of her membership. Carrie has served for two years as Co-VP Programs and this past year as President-Elect; she has stepped up to fill in wherever needed, with a cheerful, can-do attitude, and a commitment to the organization that is to be admired. Carrie was surprised to hear her name called, and we were happy to be able to honor her with this well-deserved award.