Letter from the Editor
-- Viola Meng
It’s December 2020. This year went by quickly, yet slowly. I said quickly, because my last trip to San Diego in January seemed to be not very long ago; I said slowly, because so many things, expected, and more, unexpected, have happened. The world is drastically different. Many of you may agree with me that, this year will be in the book of history.
However, this year has been a fruitful year for us, AICI WEST Chapter. The number of our chapter members has grown from 93 to 153, as of today. During this year, we’ve organized on/off-line meet ups and held a very successful online educational conference. We’ve also nurtured our sense of community through a beautifully elevated website, social media, and online publications. The chapter is stronger than the past and will keep growing. Most importantly, each member - which is you! - is showing so much courage during the tough time of the year. You’re being strong, resilient, and open minded to embrace changes, and working very hard on self-improvements. I’ve always been touched and intrigued every time I talk to our members in zoom meetings, random chats, and the conference. Without each one of you striving to be a better self and a better image professional, our chapter cannot shine.