…you don’t have to wear flowers in your hair, but it could be a nice touch! If you’re coming to our Annual Education Conference later this week, we hope you’ve added in a day or two before or after the Conference to play tourist. Here are a few links you might find useful in planning your trip:
General All-Round Information Site for on Goings-On in the City (including performances):
Shopping (of course!):
Union Square: http://www.unionsquareshop.com/ Fillmore Street: http://www.unionsquareshop.com/ Union Street: http://www.unionstreetshop.com/ Westfield San Francisco Centre: http://www.westfield.com/sanfrancisco

Photo: John Martini
Alcatraz Tour (definitely worth it!): http://www.alcatrazcruises.com/ Fisherman’s Wharf: http://visitfishermanswharf.com/ DeYoung Museum (you’re in luck – The Art of Bulgari is still showing!): http://deyoung.famsf.org/
Outside San Francisco:
Sausalito (across the Golden Gate Bridge): http://www.sausalito.com/ Napa Valley: http://napavalley.com/ Carmel: http://www.carmelcalifornia.com/
There are so many things to do in the area, we couldn’t possibly list them all here – please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Chapter Board of Directors if you have any questions. See you soon!