This is the time of year we thank our out-going Board of Directors for their year of service and, in turn, welcome in the new Board for 2016-2017. This year’s installation of officers took place at Jasper’s restaurant in San Francisco. We also gave special recognition to our Chapter Member of the Year, Elena Daciuk, and our Rising Star, incoming-President Carol Parker Walsh. (We’ll tell you more info about these two deserving award recipients in an upcoming post.)
Our new Chapter Board of Directors is:
President: Carol Parker Walsh Secretary & VP Membership: Malia Anderson Treasurer: Connie Bozant VP Programs & Education: Michelle Augenstein VP Communication: Nupur Singh VP Social Media/Marketing: Adena DiTonno Immediate Past President: Danean Gallaher

Connie Bozant, Danean Gallaher, Nupur Singh, Michelle Augenstein, Malia Anderson, Adena DiTonno, Carol Parker Walsh
For highlights of the evening, please enjoy this short video. We hope you’ll want to participate in the exciting programs we have in store for our members during the year!