We’re not above tooting the horns of our members! Congratulations to former AICI SFBA Chapter President, Marion Gellatly, AICI CIM, on her recent quote in the Wall Street Journal. Marion has been in the image business since 1991, working in particular with corporate clients to help them find their full potential by using image as a powerful business tool. So it’s no surprise that when the Wall Street Journal was preparing an article on how emulating the boss’s attire can help improve your chances for advancement, they called on Marion.
Marion shared her experience with a particular client who needed to step up her corporate presence, but in a way that suited her own personality. “[Ms. Cruse] has a lively personality,” said Ms. Gellatly, a former president of the Association of Image Consultants International. “We can’t put her into a conservative suit and have that be authentic to who she is.” Together they “laid out a plan to shop for colorful and patterned dresses and skirts, but also, to nod to the polished look of her higher ups, neutral jackets she could wear over them, and the occasional suit. The goal was to conform, but in a way that suited her.” Read the full article here.
Well said, Marion, and well done on representing our industry in the national press!